All posts filed under: Gluten-free

Classic Pumpkin Soup

As I sit here, my apartment is uncomfortably chilled, I have a steaming cup of tea by my side, and a raw cranberry bar nuzzled up next to it. All signs are pointing to the holidays. How did this happen? Just the other day, it was August- with swelteringly heat and bountiful farmer’s markets, long days, and hand-in-hand weekend adventures through New York City. Now, I dodge from building to building, need to dwell in my car prior to take off, and glumly swallow the fact that the sun disappears at 4:30 pm. If you’re succumbing to a bit of winter trepidation, like me, maybe this Classic Pumpkin Soup will nudge a smile across your face. That up there is a beautiful Long Island Cheese Pumpkin, named for its similarity to a wheel of cheese. Isn’t it a showstopper? It looks like it should be on display, wreathed with colorful fall foliage and candles. It might seem to be too picturesque to eat…but don’t let that stop you. Get out your biggest knife and saw …

Vegan MoFo: Ayocate Morado Tacos with Peach Salsa

Today, Vegan MoFo is posing a critical question: “Tacos VS Burritos. Where do you stand on this important issue?” I am a taco girl all the way. There’s just something about those soft all-corn tortillas that you can fill just so and then gently fold into mouth-sized bliss. I’m also a big fan of seeing my food. “You eat with your eyes first,” someone wise once said. Burritos hide everything and just look like big brown logs. Booooring. I mean, just look at all of the beautiful colors and textures these Ayocate Morado Tacos offer. *googly eyes* And let’s not forget to mention the fresh peach salsa that is on top. Back in August, the boyfriend and I went peach picking at the ever-wonderful Linvilla Orchards. We may have ended up picking ~20 lbs of peaches… We got a ton of white peaches (which were our favorites), and some yellow peaches. The white peaches are actually pink on the outside, and the yellow are predictably, well, yellow. Obviously, we had to start consuming massive amounts …

Vegan MoFo: 5-Ingredient Vanilla Ice Cream

The lovely Vegan MoFo folks have declared today’s prompt as: “What [insert well known person] would eat if they were vegan”. I am curious as to what the other MoFo-ers will be posting for today, as I know that I was stumped by this. I guess I can see some folks recreating meat dishes for famous carnivores, but other than that, nothing really comes to my mind. That is why I have adapted the prompt to be “What Maggie would eat if she were vegan”, since I am vegetarian. Obviously I am well known 😛 My boyfriend and I are ice cream maniacs. It’s a dessert that we both enjoy sharing together (which is rare, given that I am a chocoholic and he is a vanilla-and-fruit guy. We compromise by usually getting one scoop chocolate and one scoop fruit. Or both scoops coffee, since we both like that. Weird, I know). I’ve had this ice cream maker gathering dust in my closet for a few months now, so I thought Vegan MoFo would be an …