Month: April 2015

Thai Green Curry in a Hurry

This past Sunday, I set out to do all of my meal prep for the week. Usually, I’ll make one dish that  might hold me over a few dinners, but it has been few and far between for me to prep all five days’ worth of food. But this weekend, I was feeling ambitious. I just had that kitchen itch. For dinners, I made a batch of Angela’s basil cashew cheeze, to be sloppily slathered on leftover homemade bread, and crowned with juicy slices of tomatoes. Zucchini was sauteed with a bit of olive oil and red pepper flakes as a veggie side, and tempeh was marinated and crisped in the oven for some protein heft. After all of those dishes were cleaned, and counters were wiped from this Phase I of meal prep extraordinaire, I sighed and peered into the fridge. What to make for lunches? A bag of rainbow carrots, a few wilting stalks of celery, and some beets stared back at me. I heaved them out onto the counter, and pulled together …

Cherry-Lime Smoothie Bowl

Yes, I have fallen off the blogging horse. Work has been rather busy over these past few weeks, and I didn’t had the energy to create, write, and edit for this little blog of mine. Nor did I had the desire to come home and stare at a computer screen when I had already been staring at one all day. Hopefully, this was just an ebb in the ebb and flow of my work life. It seems to have settled over the past 2 weeks or so, and I have been enlivened with a spark to create once again. If you know me, you know that I don’t handle stress very well. I try to, and I can handle it if need be (I did survive the ultra-competitive environment of Penn, after all), but I am a struggle bus all the way to the finish line. It’s funny- all throughout high school and college, I would procrastinate like no tomorrow. Paper due at 12 am? I’m still putting the finishing touches on it at 11:55pm, …