Month: September 2014

Vegan MoFo: Liebster Award

I was nominated to do the Liebster Award by two lovely bloggers: Danielle Atkins, and Julie from My Apologies for the Novel. Since I have been nominated twice, I am going to answer my first nomination, from Danielle. I am excited to participate in this Vegan MoFo tradition(?), and to let my lovely readers know a little bit more about me!  Also, please know that I am actually not vegan, so my responses to some of the vegan-centric questions may be…not what everyone else says, ha ha. These are the guidelines: Answer the questions given and then come up with 10 new ones to ask your nominees. Nominate 8 other blogs, let them know you have nominated them and put a link to their blog in your post. No Tag backs and nominees must have under 200 followers on any platform. You must tell all the blogs that you nominate that you have nominated them. 1.) What is your favorite animal and why? I love penguins and have collected them since I was a wee babe (okay- …

Just Peachy Chocolate Buckwheat Salad

There are few dessert salads out there. Some of them are variations on a fruit salad- some chopped fruits, a drizzle of sweetener, some mint. Other ones, scary ones, are made of marshmallows and bright green Jell-o and pretzels, and packed into a bundt mold. As my Vegan Mofo posts are salad-themed, I obviously had to come up with some kind of dessert salad. However, I wanted to break out of the traditional fruit / scary salad mold, and decided to try out sprouted buckwheat as the base, similar to my Cherry Buckwheat Breakfast Salad. You can check out that post for instructions on how to sprout buckwheat. It is super simple- all it takes is water and time. Ah, the magic of creating life! The above photo was taken about 2 days into my sprouting session. These little babies are ready to munch on. You can tell when they are ready when all of the buckwheat pyramids have developed white tails a few centimeters long.  I created a chocolate coconut “yogurt” dressing from cocoa …

Carrot Ribbon Mexican Bowl

I’m not gonna lie, friends. This recipe was supposed to be a clean-out-my-fridge, not-very-noteworthy meal. So, I packed it, took some photos just in case it actually turned out super tasty, and then savored every morsel the next day at lunch. So, here we are! The bottom of this bowl is stuffed with ribbons of carrot that I created by using your typical hand-held vegetable peeler. Just perform the same action, only keep going until the entire carrot (or the majority of it- no finger endangerment, folks!) is turned into luxurious orange ribbons. I wish I captured a picture of these carrot ribbons, but by the time I photographed, they were already covered with other veggies. Carrot ribbons are easier to chew than typical chunks of carrot, and because of this, their sweet, fresh flavor really shines through. They would be a fun, twirlable addition to a bowl of spaghetti or udon noodles, as well.Here is the bowl, awaiting its pop of purple onions… I also added a dollop of cashew cheez that I made, …